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Get Out of Resistance and into the Flow
Ready to start writing your book?
If you’re anything like most prospective or even established writers, you’ve probably already encountered some or other form of resistance.
- there’s no time to write: you find at least 10 things that need to be done immediately: washing the dishes, cleaning the oven, organizing that closet in the bathroom, visiting Aunt Eleanor who you haven’t seen in 20 years… you know what we’re talking about!
- you can’t find the right notebook and pen
- your loved ones question your sanity when you talk about writing a book – and of course that resonates, because you’re wondering who you think you are to be considering writing a book!
You get the picture. Resistance comes knocking every time you think about actually putting pen to paper.
Download our Guide to Get Out of Resistance and Into the Flow and start blasting through your Resistance.